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  • 31 Bruckner Garden, Old Farm Park, Milton Keynes. MK7 8EN

Business related matters

These factsheets contain concise summaries of information on employment law related topics. The information is relevant to both employers and employees alike.

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We consider the implications of the Agency Workers Regulations.

We consider their entitlement and some complications of annual leave, including payment, entitlement and sickness during leave.

We consider the key areas that can be involved in employee dismissal, whether it is looking at statutory procedure, possible unfair dismissal claims or simply the right to dismiss an employee.

Guidance to help you make sure that your business is complying with the law when it comes to employing staff to work in the UK.

We consider how to best manage absence procedures.

We look at the main principles of the minimum wage regulations, considering the various rates, along with the penalties for failure to comply.

Our suggestions can help you take on better employees by improving your recruitment process and also avoid making mistakes.

Read our Seven sensible steps to follow whilst recruiting, which should help you avoid mistakes.

We look at an employer’s obligations to pay statutory payments and the processes involved.

We outline elements such as the legal procedures to be followed and statutory redundancy pay, along with other key principles concerned with the redundancy of employees.